The travel distance between Lahore to Multan map is about 312 kilometers or 194 miles, therefore the distance remains moderate. For this kind of transport, travelers have in the past only been limited to using buses and trains to make this journey, but with the introduction of Lahore to Multan ride sharing services in the transportation industry, this journey has been made very comfortable. In this blog, they will find out that using JulSo’s ride sharing service for this route is advantageous and receive some useful safety tips for passengers.

Why Choose JulSo for Lahore to Multan map?

JulSo presents a comfortable ride sharing environment that is safe and offers cheap services to the riders. People can comfortably use it instead of long queues that come with public transport services as well as crowded buses. Furthermore, JulSo’s Lahore to Multan Ride Sharing service is also comfortable which has proper bucket seats and air conditioning as compared to the normal cars, it simply makes the travel much more comfortable than actually enjoyable.

Benefits of Ride Sharing

Lahore to Multan ride sharing has several advantages that make it preferable as a means of transport for the travelers. Firstly, it is cheaper compared to hiring a private car or a taxi whereby you are charged based on the distance Lahore to Multan map. Another advantage of ride sharing is it leads to a decrease in the number of cars on the road thus easing congestion and therefore the trip is quicker. Last but not the least; ride sharing also has cut GHG emissions implying that it is greener compared to owning a vehicle.

Safety Tips for Ride Sharing

Ride sharing though can be fun and exciting, it is important that a number of precautions should be observed to avoid having a bad experience. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

  1. Review Driver Ratings: Customers should always check the ratings and reviews of a driver before hiring him/her for a ride to avoid any inconveniences. This will assist you feel less cramped up and much safer all through the journey.
  2. Share Your Travel Plans: Report your travel details to someone you trust – your destination, the driver, his name/photo number and the number of his car. This will make sure that at least someone out there knows your location and can organize for assistance in case of an incident.
  3. Check and Double-Check: The first thing that anyone using the applications should ensure is that the right application with the right driver is in the right car before boarding the vehicle. Try to consider all the provided data about the picture and think about the information that has been shared with you for this trip.
  4. Map It Out: Have your phone handy and activate the maps feature, so you can track your pace as the driver instructs on the best course. Tell your drivers that if they see any changes occurring, they should decline any further rides and if they feel unsafe they should log off.
  5. Buckle Up and Sit In The Backseat: It is advised to always buckle up in the car and get into the backseat to avoid any accident that may occur during the trip.

How to Book a Ride with JulSo

It is easy to book a ride with JulSo either online via their website or through a smartphone application. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Download the App: To have fun and use all the entertaining features of the JulSo application, download it from Apple Store or Google Play.
  2. Create an Account: Choose your username and password, as well as enter your email address and telephone number.
  3. Search for Rides: To find rides and book with specific requirements, look for Lahore to Multan travels and pick the preferred one.
  4. Book Your Ride: Choose your driver and your car model and booking will be done to get your ride.
  5. Pay for Your Ride: To book a ride with Uber, simply open the app or website and input your pickup and drop off location and pay for the service.


They have a point that JulSo’s ride sharing service is the best option for traveling safely from Lahore to Multan. This type of service offers tranquil and enjoyable trips, and the vehicles used in Lahore to Multan map journeys are luxurious, with well-spaced and comfortably furnished seats and rolling AC. Furthermore, there is a guarantee of safety during the trip as identified by the driver ratings and tracking services from JulSo. However, based on the information provided in this blog, individuals who are in a hurry or in general, those who plan to fix an appointment can take a vacation of JulSo ride sharing with these safety tips.